
Hello, I'm Jiwon 👋

I always enjoy listening to or discovering the problems that people around me face, and considering how to help their everyday lives be easier. 

I pursue inclusive design and would love nothing more than to make products or service easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

Being designers, we can pay by giving 10% of our crop of ideas and talents to the 75% of mankind in need.
— Papanek Victor

My mindset as a designer is based on the idea of Kymmenykset (Tithe)  by Papanek Victor, and I'm ready to pay my talent to people in need.

The technology will develop even faster, and I am concerned about minorities such as the elderly and individuals with a disability might be continuously falling behind. I hope technology can empower them to live easier, and I'm eager to contribute to doing so.

What people are saying.

Jiwon is a great team member who always backs everyone up in multiple areas of the project. She’s very versatile in a lot of things, and has really great visualization and management skills.
— Project 2 Team Member
Jiwon did amazing this semester and you brought great ideas to ideation. You were really insightful in the research phase and ideation phase.
— Project 3 Team Member
Whenever I explain something, Jiwon is able to see the important details in my explanations and can “translate” them into simpler terms. She is focused on the most important details and that keeps us in check.
— Project 3 Team Member
Jiwon has been an eager learner and brought some positive energy to the team. She did everything that was expected of her and that she signed up for.
— Project 4 Team Member

* These quotes are taken from anonymous team evaluations after each project.

Think We Could Work Together?

Say Hello at  jiwonlee110@gmail.com

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